This 13-minute short film premiered in May 2020 at the Canadian Film Festival, followed by its US debut at the Beverly Hills Film Festival, the Academy Award qualifying Hollyshorts, OFFA, Buffalo Dreams, Sci-Fi-London and others. HYPERNOVA stars CSA winners Natalie Lisinska (Orphan Black, Mary Kills People) and Dalmar Abuzeid (Anne With an E, Drake's I'M UPSET), as well as Juno Rinaldi (Workin’ Moms). The stunning custom-made spacesuits were designed by costume superstars Walter Klassen FX (Star Trek, The Expanse, Shape of Water).
Cassie Lyra struggles to navigate her increasingly alienating world, disconnected from her work, colleagues, and husband. Lost in grief, can she find connection amidst the chaos? A spellbinding, visually surprising drama of modern inner life, told using the expansive metaphors of outer space.